Friday, November 01, 2013

We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give

“We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill 

Good day! The first-ever Christmas card was posted in England in the 1840s, and the practice soon became an established part of the buildup to the Christmas holiday. Over a billion Christmas cards are now sent every year in the United Kingdom, many of them sold in aid of charities. By starting early in the season, sending holiday greetings is a chance to journal, reflect, and connect.

Here is my system that helps me achieve my card-goal with ease: I purchase a spiral notebook, about five inches wide by eight inches high, with colored paper, or paper with some sort of nice feel or design. It needs to be spiral and preferably also have a perforation mark to remove the pages easily. On the inside cover, I list all of the people to whom I want to send special letters. (I have two card lists—one for a non personalized card with the standard Merry Christmas wish, and another list for people who I want to send a special message to.) I then keep this with me—all the time. If needed, I switch to a larger purse to keep this with me.

During unexpected breaks in my day, such as waiting for my daughter to emerge from an after-school event, waiting for a doctor appointment, train rides, etc. I pull out my notebook. I look through the names on the inside cover and, almost always, I immediately think of something I would like to share with one of the people on my list. I then turn to a blank page and begin writing. I don’t worry about finishing my entire letter in one sitting; I simply share the compelling “thought” of the moment. I continue doing this, switching “people” as inspiration strikes.

Typically, my letters end up being two-to-four pages in length. (I am a writer—would you expect anything less?) When I check my progress weekly, if a letter is done, I remove it, place it in an envelope with THE ADDRESS AND THE STAMP, and tuck it in the front pocket of my holiday notebook. I then cross the name off the inside cover.

Your Turn:
This week, begin creating your own holiday card-sending notebook and generating a list of people you would like to send a special greeting to. Challenge yourself to send two to three letters per week.

Today’s Affirmation:
I slow down to connect with those I love this season.

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