Monday, December 09, 2013

“A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams.” Author unknown

Good morning! Today we are going to do something simple and practical to warm our home. When we think of the senses, we often think of taste and touch, but we forget scent. Scent is a wonderful way to enhance the home, especially with the holiday season upon us. 
“Aromatherapy for the Kitchen”
One-half small can whole allspice
One-half small can whole cloves
One-half can stick cinnamon
Two or three star anise
Rind of a small orange
One or two cups water
Simmer in an open pan on the stovetop during the holidays.
This makes a wonderful, festive-yet-soothing aroma to filter through the house. Do not leave simmering potpourri untended anymore than you would a burning candle.

Your Turn:
Try the potpourri recipe to freshly scent your home.

Today’s Affirmation:

My home is a peaceful and sacred place.

.....................Brook Noel

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