Thursday, August 15, 2013

August 15, Relaxation Day

“Women need real moments of solitude and self-reflection to balance out how much of ourselves we give away.” —Barbara De Angelis 

Good Day! I received a note from a reader with this message: 

I came to an epiphany that being peacefully connected to that inner authentic self centers me and directs me in how to be the best woman, mother, and wife I can be. Spending that time to sit, listen, and center is invaluable!

August 15 is celebrated as Relaxation Day. Holiday Insights offers these top ten ideas to enjoy on Relaxation Day:
Do nothing today.
Go to a spa.
Go fishing.
Play a round of golf (caution: not always relaxing).
Lounge around in a hammock.
Take a bubble bath.
Spend the day at the beach.
Go to the movies.
Do a little gardening (no heavy-duty work, though).
Have a picnic in the park.

Your Turn:
This week, schedule three ten-minute times to do nothing but center yourself quietly. Play some soft music and let yourself get lost in it. Observe your breathing, your body. Let a moment of simplicity envelop you and refresh your spirit.

Today’s Affirmation:

I celebrate silence.

.............Brook Noel.

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