Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A Little SORRY Won't Harm You.

We choose to say SORRY to others most times not because we accept all wrong doings as our fault but to let things go and pave way for peaceful coexistence. However, if we choose not to forgive and tolerate other people's flaws, its our decision to make but really unrealistic. 

Moreso,We often forget that Allah (SWT) remains the All Forgiving and All Wise. Be honest & plain in all your dealings, be fair & just in all your judgements because what you put in is mostly what you receive.

Life can be fair and equally unfair depending on how its being perceived. We cannot live long enough to make all the mistakes in the world, we have to learn from other people's lessons. ‪#‎beyou‬ ‪#‎bereal‬.

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