Friday, March 31, 2017

Keep Moving, Don't Stop

“It doesn’t matter how slowly you go—so long as you do not stop.”  — Confucius

Good morning! In a world in which time has become the master of many, Confucius’s quote offers an important and simple reminder to us. As we reach and stretch and make positive changes in our lives, we need to report to our own internal time clock. Too often, we compare our progress to others.’ Or we become negative coaches to ourselves, reprimanding ourselves for not doing more or accomplishing something sooner. This type of thinking usually leads to backward movement.

Remember, we are always moving. If we aren’t moving forward, then we are moving backward. But let us not make the mistake of thinking we have to leap forward every day. It is more important to be consistent in our steps, no matter how small, than to leap forward and then stop. I have never seen someone make it by lurching toward success.

Your Turn:
Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? Focus on consistent, measurable steps versus a sprint. Besides, we would all look funny if we were lurching toward success!

Today’s Affirmation:
I consistently take measurable action to accomplish my goals.

...................Brook Noel

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